December 30, 2011

it's like i have ESPN or something..

talk about cute, right? right.

|| love, taryn ||

post script: someone please name the movie the title of this post is from!

December 25, 2011

christmas, we love you.

// 1 // taryn's homework assignment for mythology - a mosaic of pegasus // 2 // magazine clipping // 3 // megan & mckay's wedding announcement. so excited! // 4 // christmas eve shopping - BOSS // 5 // no such thing as christmas without a little edward, right? plus, we like involving him as much as possible in basically everything we do // 6 // our family christmas tree! you might wonder why it's so cute - our mom's a pro // 7 // more mosaic! tar's slaving away at that thing. // 8 // talking to elder nelson! he has 6 more weeks until completion, holla! // 9 // baby rowan & her helmet. we love that little girl :)

so you see, all these pictures are instagrammed (is that even a word?) because we had no other option for a camera, right? well folks, look what the big guy brought us this year..


December 18, 2011

yo, big red.

pinterest makes me love my fellow associates in the ginger club,

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2 claps for red hair!
- taryn

December 11, 2011

this winter season has been very different than most..

some things have been totally "WTF why the face?!" in our lives lately..

basketball became something of the past instead of the present.
we got laid off from a job we had for 1 week.

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this is us winging it, cause that's what has been thrown at us!
it's sometimes okay, & sometimes not.
we're just trying to make the best of it! :)

instead of playing in the game, i'm taking pictures of the game.
(with a 134908 pound camera, mind you)

it's hard. but it's exciting!
it's sad. but it's happy!
it's frustrating. but it's humbling.

Photobucket  // 1 // tay playing last year. // 2 // before i took 202984 pictures at the boys games.

we're livin the only lives we've got!
- taryn & taylor.

December 4, 2011

dear (801) ...

it's december...

even though i'm not too fond of the white bidness except for 
on christmas eve/day & new years,
it needs to come. otherwise, it will be freezing far past april 25.
plus, i have scarves i need to wear
& thick sweaters that need to be purchased.

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(that mug is obviously filled with caramel apple cider or hot chocolate)
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you see, december...

you always snow little flakes for a minute then it comes to a screeching halt. 
for once in my life i want it to snow!
you're killing me, winter!

- taryn