December 8, 2012


We soon found out that the college term "Dead Week" doesn't only mean that no tests are allowed, it literally means DEATH. With finals next week, last minute papers/projects, and just the stress of college, we were kind of dying. College is rough, guys. Lezbihonest.

We were so exhausted after this week was over, we spent the whole weekend inside, wrapped up in blankets with a big bowl of popcorn watching movies and TV.... and sleeping a lot. :) (Our sleeping-clocks may or may not be completely confused)

This weekend has been so chill, and it's been so good for us. Our poor brains have been spending hours at SI's, studying in the library, extra studying at home, etc. All we know is that we're going to push through these next few days, and we'll be home for the holidays before we know it! :)
5 more days to be exact!