December 15, 2012


We got home on Thursday and have been loving every minute since! Being in a home filled with warmth, family, and lots of Christmas decorations has been the best thing that has ever happened to us. We missed our family so much and love spending time with them. It's so nice to sit around and not have to worry about anything. Actually, that's a lie. We worry about Vampire Diaries.... We just started season 4 and are TRIP-PIN! (Whoever wrote the shiz has some serious skills) Your worries switch from character to character literally every 5 seconds. First it's Elena, then Stefan, then Damon, then Tyler and Caroline, then Jeremy, then MATT, then Bonnie - actually not Bonnie - she bugs. We've never been so seriously and emotionally invested in a TV series before but then again, it's about Vampires and we all know how much we like those mystical creatures. :)

Christmas is in full swing around these parts and the thousands of decorations our mother has really brings the Christmas spirit. This year, we have an Elf on the Shelf - he's Santa's helper and moves from place to place everyday, watching the littles to make sure they're staying on the nice list. My mom says it's only for the grandkids, but we get just as excited looking for his new hiding place everyday as they do! We're still trying to figure out what to name him, though.... So far Booger and Eyeball are in the lead. Those are cute Elf names, right? Haha our nephews seem to think so!